HoloKnight News
What is a Holoknight? Click here to find out.
Who are the Holoknights? Click here to find out.
August, 2017
Guohai Situ Named 2017 Holoknight
Dr. Guohai Situ was selected as the new Holoknight of 2017 in a knighting service held in Castle Hohenbeilstein, in Wurttemberg, Germany, on August 25, 2017. The service took place at a banquet during Holomet, 2017, which was organized by the University of Stuttgart, Institute of Technical Optics, Chaired by Sir Wolfgang of Berlin. Click here to read more.
August, 2017
Executive Director of SPIE Named Honorary Holoknight
Dr. Eugene Arthurs, Executive Director of SPIE, became an honorary member of the International Order of Holoknights in aknighting service held in CastleHohenbeilstein, in Wurttemberg,Germany, on August 25, 2017. Click here to read more.
August, 2017
Holoknights Capture Three Major Awards at the SPIE Optics + Photonics
The International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE) Optics + Photonics Symposium in held in San Diego in August 2017 presented and unusual opportunity and special occasion for a Holoknight banquet. During the symposium three awards would be captured by Holoknights, the Dennis Gabor award, the Chandra S. Vikram award, and the Rudolf Kenslake award. Eight Holoknights would attend the meeting and be present for the award ceremony.
July, 2016
Dr. Peter de Groot Holoknighted* Sir Peter the Great of Middlefield
Sir Rich of Massachusetts - Ryszard J. (Rich) Pryputniewicz - has retired from his duties at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) in Worcester, Massachusetts. His decision to retire earlier than originally planned was made to help with his recovery from multiple strokes experienced in recent years. After he has fully recovered he plans to return to WPI as an emeritus professor and continue his research in the holographic and optical measurement sciences.
October, 2015
Sir Rich of Massachusets Retires 2015
Sir Rich of Massachusetts - Ryszard J. (Rich) Pryputniewicz - has retired from his duties at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) in Worcester, Massachusetts. His decision to retire earlier than originally planned was made to help with his recovery from multiple strokes experienced in recent years. After he has fully recovered he plans to return to WPI as an emeritus professor and continue his research in the holographic and optical measurement sciences.
Sir Rich commenting on his experiences at WPI
July, 2015
Pietro Di Napoli, Holoknight 2015
Cavaliere Pietro Ferraro (Pietro di Napoli) became the newest holoknight 2015 in a special knighting service in Munich on 24 June, 2015. The service was held in the Munich Ratskeller, a spectacular ambiance, in the basement of the Rathaus (city hall), as a highlight of the reception for SPIE’s “Optical Metrology" meeting. Knighting was performed by the 2014 Holoknight, Sir Byoungho Lee of Soul with five other attending Holoknights, Wolfgang of Berlin, Armando of Santa Catarina, Jim of California, Malgorzata of Warsaw, and Toyohiko of Utsunomiya. Cavaliere Ferraro is a member of Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) and Director of the Institute of Applied Sciences & Intelligent Systems (www.isasi.cnr.it). Click here to read more.
Byoungho of Soul with Pietro di Napoli
July 15, 2014 in Seattle/WA
Byoungho of Seoul-Holoknight 2014
Sir Byoungho Lee (Byoungho of Seoul) became the newest holoknight 2014 in a special knighting service in Seattle, Washington on July 15, 2014. Jim of Arizona knighted and awarded him with the sword, the parchment and the title. The service was held in at a special dinner, which was attended by 17 well known colleagues and friends from the optics community. Three Holoknights were present to authenticate the knighthood, Jim of Arizona, Nadya of St. Petersburg, and Wolfgang of Berlin. Sir Byoungho is a professor at the Seoul National University. Click here to read more.
Sir Byoungho Lee with his new sword and parchment
December, 2013
Farewell Sir Charles
Dr. Chuck Vest (1941-2013)
Our dear friend and Holoknight, Charles of Washington, (Dr. Chuck Vest) passed away on December 12, 2013. The world and science community has suffered a great loss and will miss him dearly. The high standard, purpose, and mission of the International Order of Holoknights could not have been represented any better than by Chuck’s friendly, strong, and effective history and presence as an outstanding member of our order. We are all extremely proud to have him as a fellow Holoknight, and we will never forget him. The life and career of Chuck Vest is proof that a really nice person can achieve huge goals.
An excellent summary of his amazing career was presented in the MIT Newsletter, http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/2013/former-mit-president-charles-m-vest-dies-at-72-1213.html
A memorial service will be held at 1:00 pm on January 25th, 2014 at the First Presbyterian Church, located at 1432 Washtenaw Avenue, in Ann Arbor, Michigan. A reception will follow in the Pendleton Room of the Michigan Union along with a short program of remembrance from University of Michigan colleagues. On February 20, 2014 the Charles M. Vest Life Celebration at the National Academy of Sciences in Washington, D.C. will be held, and, on March 6, a memorial will be held at MIT.
I have known Chuck for nearly 50 years. After having recieved our advanced degrees in the same years, 1963, 64, 67, I used his Ph.D. thesis work in my first researches in holography a year later. Among the many contributions he made to the field of holography, his book, Holographic Interferometry, was a godsend for many holographers and teachers of holography, who were still struggling to find simple understandable ways of presenting this relatively new field. Even after his career diverted him from holography into high positions such as Provost of the University of Michigan, President of M.I.T. and finally President of the National Academy of Engineering, he never lost his interest in holography, showing up at our meetings, and welcoming us for casual visits.
Chuck was knighted, Charles of Washington, in Springfield Massachusetts, in October, 2008 and presented with the sword of Charlemagne (Charles the Great).
The Parchment and Sword of Charlemagne (Charles the Great) Presented to Chuck Vest
Nine Holoknights were present for the ceremony, which took place at a technical meeting on holographic interferometry, hosted by Rich of Massachusetts. After the ceremony, the restaurant provided Chuck a special tribute, a belly dancer, with whom he was quite pleased.
Ten Holoknights including the newest, Charles of Washington, holding his sword
Special Entertainment for the Newest Holoknight
From Left, Werner of Bremen, Jim of California, and Charles of Washington
As always, the newest Holoknight is charged with selection of the next Holoknight after conferring with and hearing suggestions from the other Holoknights. The selection process spans an extended time in email discussions between the Holoknights, and can sometimes get a bit testy (This one was no exception.) Nevertheless, the final choice is up to the newest Holoknight, and Chuck listened and responded politely to all of the comments before making his choice. He knighted Nadya of Saint Petersburg, who became our second female Holoknight. This was especially fitting since Chuck had become known as an advocate for equal treatment of the genders.
Charles of Washington knighting Nadya Reingand as Nadya of St. Petersburg
Charles of Washington Presenting Nadya of St. Petersburg with the Declaration
Eight Holoknights (Wolfgang of Berlin took the photograph)
Wolfgang of Berlin introducing Charles Vest, the Key Note Speaker
Dr. Chuck Vest Delivering the Keynote Speech “Holography in the 60s and 70s-A View from the Fringe”
Photos by Wolfgang Osten
September, 2013
James Wyant is Knighted
Professor James Wyant, of Tucson, Arizona was knighted “James of Arizona” by Lady Cristina of Vigo, the current reigning Holoknight, on September 09, 2013, during the Fringe 2013 conference banquet. The venue was at the amazing "Musikhalle" in Ludwigsburg, Germany. Earlier, all conference attendees had visited the Ludwigsburg Residential Palace.
Professor James Wyant kneels before Lady Cristina of Vigo as she reads the proclamation of knighthood, declaring that he has been chosen by her and accepted into the order by all holoknights to become the newest member of the order.
Lady Cristina of Vigo knights James of Arizona with his sword (Photo by Wolfgang Osten)
During the ceremony Lady Cristina read the parchment and knighted Professor James Wyant to become James of Arizona. After becoming a holoknight he was be given the special sword chosen by her along with the parchment, which is signed by the other holoknights who were present .
Before the Ceremony
Part of the process of accepting knighthood is to accept the charge to choose the next holoknight and a venue for the ceremony, usually an international optical meeting or workshop. The Fringe 13 meeting was agreed. Holoknights discuss candidates among themselves and offer advice; however, the ultimate decision is that of the newest holoknight, with the guideline that the new member should reside in a different country from his/her own. Cristina of Vigo, the newest holoknight, conferred with all of the other holoknights, considered suggestions, examined candidates, and made the final choice. Only holoknights know who the new one will be until it is announced at the beginning of the ceremony. Holoknights must ensure that the new holoknight will attend, without disclosing the secret. The most recent knight makes the final decision, produces the scroll, acquires a sword and brings it to the meeting.
Holoknights gather before the service to sign the parchment, also providing an opportunity to see and hold the selected sword.
The sword of James of Arizona
The parchment, still in the signing process. Here eleven holoknights have signed. Another five will add their signatures.
A special table was reserved for holoknights at the banquet.
Seventeen Holoknights including James of Arizona, a record attendance for the ceremony (Photo by Pauline Abbott)
After the knighting ceremony the Holoknights gathered to congratulate their new member and for a group photo. Werner of Bremen, the grand master, announced that a new symbol had been adopted for holoknights to complement the sword - a small silver holoknight pin that can be worn on a coat lapel. He made a few presentations of the pin.
Holoknights promise friendship and support for all holoknights in matters both personal and professional.
The Holoknight Pin
Werner of Bremen attaches a symbol of holoknighthood to the lapel of Jim of California.
September 3, 2012
Professor Cristina Yanez Trillo was knighted Lady Cristina of Vigo by Sir Toyohiko of Utsonomiya at the recent Speckle 2012 Conference being held in Vigo Spain. Lady Cristina becomes the newest Holoknight of the International Order of Holoknights.
Sir Toyohiko of Utsonomiya knights Cristina and presents her with a sword, the symbol of the Holoknights. She is named Cristina of Vigo. Fernando of Leon holds her parchment, which records the event.
Sir Toyohiko of Utsonomiya stands with Lady Cristina of Vigo, who holds the sword presented to her in the service. Sir Toyohiko presents her her parchment, which records the event.
Eight Holoknights attended the service. They are shown here in the secret signing ceremony held before the conference where each Holoknight confirms and signs the parchment that records and officializes the service. From left to dright, Malgorzata of Warsaw, Nadya of St. Petersburg, Fernando of Leon, Mitsuo of Tokyo, Armando of Santa Caterina, Toyohiko of Utsonomiya, Ichirou of Wako, Wolfgang of Berlin.
July 24, 2012
Professor Toyohiko Yatagai knighted Toyohiko of Utsonomiya
Professor Toyohiko Yatigai was knighted in a service held at the HoloMet 2012 Conference held at the Utsunomiya University in Japan. He was knighted by the current reigning Holoknight, Sir Fernando of Leon, who also presented him with a special sword and parchment, naming him Sir Toyohiko of Utsonomiya.
Fernando of Leon lays the sword on the shoulder of Toyohiko Yatagai and pronounces him the new Holoknight of the international Order of Holoknights. Mitsuo of Tokyo holds the parchment created by Sir Fernando as a part of the service. The parchment is the official document recording the service and is typically created in the language of the reighning holoknight.
The service was attended by six Holoknights, from left Nadya of St. Petersburg, Fernando of Leon, Toyohiko of Utsonomiya, Ichirou of Wako, Wolfgang of Berlin, Malgorzata of Warsaw, and Mitsuo of Tokyo.
October 27, 2010
Pierre of Ghent Passes Away
A Great Master of Holography Pierre of Gent passed away on October 27, 2010. Pierre will be remembered through his innovations in holographic interferometry, pulse laser holography, holographic 3D displays and portraits, and simply as a very dear friend. Pierre was a professor and department head of the University of Ghent where for many years he operated a world class holography laboratory and studio. He was a pioneer in the development and application of pulse holography techniques to a wide range of non destructive test applications. He also supported the holographic art community by availing his advice and laboratory to artists. His unique bleaching formulas were widely used in the art community. Pierre, himself, created and exhibited many excellent fine art works. He developed an art studio and made hundreds of holographic portraits including a portrait of King Leopold of Belgium. Pierre's portraits are some of the finest in existence and have become extremely valuable collector items.
Pierre was awarded the medal of the order of Leopold II, a rarely given, by “royal decree” award for outstanding service to his country. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_of_Leopold_II
Pierre and his lovely wife, Brigitte, were legendary as hosts to many who visited Ghent. Pierre left no stone unturned to insure that guests see and experience the country that he loved, commonly giving personal tours of Ghent and Brugges and visits to his lovely country home.
Pierre was knighted Pi
October 27, 2010
Pierre of Ghent Passes Away
A Great Master of Holography Pierre of Gent passed away on October 27, 2010. Pierre will be remembered through his innovations in holographic interferometry, pulse laser holography, holographic 3D displays and portraits, and simply as a very dear friend. Pierre was a professor and department head of the University of Ghent where for many years he operated a world class holography laboratory and studio. He was a pioneer in the development and application of pulse holography techniques to a wide range of non destructive test applications. He also supported the holographic art community by availing his advice and laboratory to artists. His unique bleaching formulas were widely used in the art community. Pierre, himself, created and exhibited many excellent fine art works. He developed an art studio and made hundreds of holographic portraits including a portrait of King Leopold of Belgium. Pierre's portraits are some of the finest in existence and have become extremely valuable collector items.
Pierre was awarded the medal of the order of Leopold II, a rarely given, by “royal decree” award for outstanding service to his country. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_of_Leopold_II
Pierre and his lovely wife, Brigitte, were legendary as hosts to many who visited Ghent. Pierre left no stone unturned to insure that guests see and experience the country that he loved, commonly giving personal tours of Ghent and Brugges and visits to his lovely country home.
Pierre was knighted Pierre of Ghent in September, 2001 by reigning holoknight, Wolfgang of Berlin. The knighting service took place in Bremen Germany at a “Fringe” conference.
Heis survived by his wife, Brigitte, two sons, two daughters, and seven grand children.

Pierre displaying one of his many creations. Photo by Pauline Abbott.

Photo by Mitsuo Takeda
A legendary host, a beloved holoknight.
Pierre of Ghent (Dr. Pierre Boone) shown here with Ichirou of Kiryu and Armando of Santa Catarina.
Pierre inspecting his sword as the future Mitsuo of Tokyo and Hans of Amerang
congratulate him.
Novosibirsk-2002-3- by Wolfgang of Berlin
Novosibirsk-2002-3-by Wolfgang of Berlin
Novosibirsk-2002-by Wolfgang of Berlin
From Left: Vladimir of Kiev, Pierre of Ghent, Mitsuo of Tokyo-Photo contributed by Malgorzata of Warsaw
Gent-2005- by Wolfgang of Berlin
One of Pierre's famous, last-minute- hand-prepared, slide presentations.
Newest Holoknight
Nadya of St. Petersburg knights Fernando Mendoza Santoyo
October 27, 2010
In a knighting ceremony in the triple-S-rated setting on a beach in Florianopolis,Santa Catarina, Brazil, a new Holoknight was inducted into the International Order of Holoknights. His Holoknight-name is “Fernando of Leon.”
The Holoknighting Ceremony took place during an evening dinner hosted by Sir Armando of Santa Catarina at the Speckle 2010 Conference. The figure here was contributed by Sir Rich of Massachusetts taken on Monday, 13 September 2010, which will be remembered as the “Fernando Day” Lady Nadya of St. Petersburg, assisted by Sir Ichiru of Kiryu and Sir Armando of Santa Catarina, presented the sword and parchment and Knighted Sir Fernando, seen kneeling in front of her.
Nadya of St. Petersburg knights Fernando as Fernando of Leon.
Photos by Wolfgang Osten
Photo by Wolfgang Osten
Eight Holoknights participated in the
Dr. Hans Rottenkolber, Founder of the International Order of Holoknights,
Joins God's Holography Team
March 7, 2008
Hans Rottenkolber began his new assignment with God on 7 March, 2008. He was a great human being and scientist, having made important contributions to the field of holography. His company pioneered commercial holographic interferometry and was first to offer a practical system that employed thermoplastic recording material. We all loved, respected, and honored this man, whose very presence would bring warmth to a gathering.
He founded the order of Holoknights over 20 years ago to honor those who were not only important contributors to the field of holography but who also were great promoters of international friendship and cooperation. He will be missed greatly by the community.
Dr. Rottenkolber, right, toasting with Werner of Bremen, the first knight,
in 2005 at the Fringe 05 Conference in
Four Holoknights and Wedding
Hans of Amerang attending the wedding of Jim of California with Werner of Bremen and Wolfgang of Berlin in England in 2001. The Holoknights made a lasting impression at the wedding, and the locals still talk about the visit of the Germans to Bedfordshire.
Hans presents Lilies to Pauline and emphasizes that she has just married a Holoknight.
Chuck Vest Elevated to Holoknighthood
October 27, 2008
In a knighting ceremony held in Springfield, Massachusetts Dr. Charles Vest, President of the National Academy of Engineering and President Emeritus of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, was elevated to the level of Holoknighthood by Sir Vladimir of Kiev (Dr. Vladimir Markov), the last knighted member of the International Order of Holoknights. The brotherhood, founded by Dr. Hans Rottenkolber in 1988, to bring together as friends the top researchers in the field of holography, celebrates its twentieth anniversary this year. The charter of the order promotes cooperation, hospitality, and friendship among holoknights and their countries. Members are selected not only for their technical leadership but also for their reputation for hospitality, openness, and assistance to others.
The ceremony took place during the Society for Experimental Mechanics International Symposium to Commemorate the 60th Anniversary of Holography http://sem.org/PDF/08fTechProgram.pdf which was organized by Holoknight Professor Ryzard Preputniewicz (Rich of Massachusetts). Dr. Vest was a keynote speaker in the conference; however, he was unaware of his selection until the final moment since this information remains a secret unknown outside the order before the knighting takes place.
Sir Vladimir of Kiev knights Chuck Vest. He was presented the sword of Charlemagne, which was used in the ritual, and a parchment proclaiming his new title, Sir Charles of Washington.
The sword of Charlemagne, used in the knighting service and presented by Vladimir of Kiev to Sir Charles of Washington, is engraved, “Sir Charles of Washington, Holoknight. The parchment was signed by nine other holoknights who attended the service.
Ten holoknights participating in the Springfield knighting service. Back row, left to right, Anand of Singapore, Malgorzata of Warsaw, Ichirou of Kiryu, Werner of Bremen, Charles of Washington, Front Row, left to right, Mitsuo of Tokyo, Vladimir of Kiev, Jim of California, Wolfgang of Berlin, Rich of Massachusetts.
Dr. Charles M. Vest is President of the National Academy of Engineering and President Emeritus of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
At the University of Michigan he served as associate dean of engineering from 1981-86, dean of engineering from 1986-1989, when he became provost and vice president for academic affairs. In 1990 he became president of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and served in that position until December 2004. He then became professor and president emeritus.
In July 2007 he was elected to serve as president of the U.S. National Academy of Engineering (NAE) for six years. He has authored a book on holographic interferometry, and two books on higher education. He has received honorary doctoral degrees from ten universities, and was awarded the 2006 National Medal of Technology by President Bush.
Held at the peak of the autumn colors in Massachusetts, attendees were treated to an explosion of color surrounding Springfield.
River scene along the Jacob’s Ladder drive near Springfield, Massachusetts, 26 October, 2008.
Trees in the Boston Common photographed on 30 October, 2008.
Hillside along the Jacob’s Ladder drive near Russell, Massachusetts.
Trees near Springfield, Massachusetts, 26 October, 2008.
2006-Markov becomes the newest Holoknight
September 14, 2006
Dr. Vladimir Markov became the latest to be knighted into the International Order of Holoknights. The special knighting service was held at the banquet of the International Conference on Speckle in Nimes, France on Thursday, 14 September, 2006. Organized and headed by Dr. Pierre Slangen, a professor at the School of Mines, Ales, France, the conference was attended by top scientists in the field from around the world and convened from 13-15 September.
In keeping with the selection rules, Markov was selected from the top holographers in the world by Rajpal of Bhopal (Professor Rajpal Sirohi of Bhopal, India,) who was the holoknight inducted by the order in 2005, and was confirmed unanimously by the full council of holoknights. He was presented with a Holoknight sword and a parchment signed by attending holoknights. His new title is Vladimir of Kiev. The knighting portion of the service was conducted by Wolfgang of Berlin (Professor Wolfgang Osten), who heads the Institut für Technische Optik, Universität Stuttgart, Germany. Rajpal of Bhopal, who would normally perform this part of the service, was unable to attend.
Other holoknights in attendance were Werner (Juptner) of Bremen, Malgorzata (Kujuwinska) of Warsaw, Paul (Smigielski) of Alsace, Pierre (Boone) of Gent, Armando (Albertazzi) of Catarina, Mitsuo (Takeda) of Tokyo, and Rich (Preputnievich) of Massachusetts.
Photo property of Wolfgang Osten
Wolfgang of Berlin knights Vladimir of Kiev-The parchment and sword, held by Wolfgang, were then given to Vladimir, the latest holoknight.
Dr. Markov Pioneered the study of the basic properties of volume holograms recorded with random amplitude-phase (speckle) encoded reference beam which leads to ultra high-density data storage in volume hologram recording with speckle-shift selectivity. Dr. Markov also did extensive study and performed the first experiments with two- and four-beam coupling in a resonant medium (sodium vapor). He demonstrated the possibility of extremely high gain for signal beam amplification. He was first to propose the possibility of applying the optical double-transform Fourier
In 1994, Markov established and became the first Director of the Institute of Applied Optics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. In 1995 he became the director of the Institute of Optics of Bogota (Columbia). In 1998 he joined MetroLaser Incorporated, Irvine, CA and is currently a vice president and the head of the Applied Optics Group. He was a close friend and associate of Professor Yury Denisyuk, one of the fathers of holography, who passed away in June, 2006. He gave a memorial talk on Denisyuk at the Speckle 06 conference.
Nine Holoknights in Nimes
Stuttgart, Germany, Armando of Santa Catarina knighted Rajpal of Bhopal (India).
September 12, 2005
Ten Holoknights attended the service, held in a banquet at Fringe05.
Armando of Santa Catarina presents the sword for approval of the attending holoknights.
Matsuo of Tokyo signs the parchment
Armando of Santa Catarina knights Dr. Rajpal Sirohi and names him Rajpal of Bhopal
Congratulations and welcome to our order
Ten Holoknights after the service
Merida Mexico- Anand of Singapore knighted Armando of Santa Catarina (Brazil)
February, 2005
Six Holoknights in Merida-LtoR-Anand of Singapore, Mitsuo of Tokyo, Malgorzata of Warsaw, Armando of Santa Catarina, Werner of Bremen, Wolfgang of Berlin, Jim of California. Feb. 2005
Armando of Santa Catarina will select the next Holoknight at Fringe 2005 in September, 2005.
Knighting Service of Pierre from Gent in Bremen Germany-September 2001
The New Holoknight for 2004 -Anand of Singapore
Anand of Singapore will select a 2005 Holoknightin Merida, Mexico in February 2005.
Holoknights with the newest member, Anand of Singapore, in Bari Italy. Left to right, Ichirou of Kiryu, Werner of Bremen, Anand of Singapore, Rich of Massachusetts, Wolfgang of Berlin
(Photo by Wolfgang Osten)
Ichirou of Kiryu knights Anand of Singapore with his sword. Bari Italy, 2004
(Photo by Werner Juptner)
June 2001-Balatonfurid, Hungary
Wolfgang of Berlin in after knighting service
2000-Knighting Malgorzata of Warsaw in San Diego

Mitsuo of Tokyo makes the presentation
Mitsuo of Tokyo is knighted in Poland at Pultusk Castle
September, 1999
Knighting Jim of California
July 1995
Paul of Alsace makes the presentation
Paul of Alsace is knighted by Rich of Massachusetts
October, 1993, Bremen Germany